Prayer & Worship

Prayer and Worship are an integral part of the Christian life.  We worship a Great God, but He chooses also to be our personal friend and guide. 


Prayer is like opening the heart to God as to a friend.  It can be personal, in the quietness of our home, a quiet moment during a break at work, or together with family, friends, or church members in a worship service.

We also see the value of praying for each other: Giving thanks for the good times, sharing our concerns with God in times of difficulty or challenge.  We pray daily in our office worship at Church Headquarters and would be delighted to include you in our prayer time.  If you have something to pray about or give thanks for, then please submit it as a Prayer Request.


Worship also takes many forms.  Many Adventists will spend a quiet time each morning reading the Bible or a devotional book.  Some follow a reading plan (see below).  Families are encouraged to have a time of family worship on the very real basis that 'a family that prays together stays together'.

Many churches hold small groups or times of worship throughout the week, but the climax of worship comes on a Saturday (Sabbath) morning in a time of celebration and worship at church.  If you would like to join us you would be very welcome.  If you would like to 'test from a distance', a number of churches also live stream their content across the internet.  We also have a selection of devotional programmes available via our Hope TV-UK website.

Bible Reading Plans