

A Call in the Night: Witnessing Hope and Responsibility at Sea

A Call in the Night: Witnessing Hope and Responsibility at Sea

Dr Jeff Couzins

Dr Jeff Couzins and his family safely returned to the UK after a journey marked by unexpected drama in the North Sea, highlighting a profound spiritual lesson.

While travelling on the cruise ship Iona, Dr Jeff and his family found themselves amidst a tragic maritime accident. As reported in national news, two cargo vessels collided, resulting in the sinking of one ship and the tragic loss of lives. The Iona, present in the vicinity, played a crucial role in the search and rescue efforts.

In the early hours of the morning, the alarm for "Rescue Boat Crews to Muster" resonated throughout the Iona, a call that Dr Jeff immediately recognised as a distress signal. It was soon revealed that the British cargo ship Verity had sunk after colliding with the Bahamian vessel Polesie near the German coast.

The Iona, equipped with medical facilities and fast boats, was instrumental in the search operation, coordinated by the German authorities. For over 12 hours, the ship remained stationary, aiding in the relentless search for survivors. Despite challenging conditions and extensive efforts involving sea rescue cruisers, a navy helicopter, and a police boat, the mission concluded with a heavy heart: only two of the seven crew members of the Verity were rescued, and the search for the remaining four was eventually called off.

This harrowing experience resonated deeply with Dr Jeff. The Iona's captain's announcement over the loudspeaker about their legal and moral obligation to aid those in peril echoed a greater, spiritual call. Dr Jeff reflected on the Christian duty to seek and save the lost, drawing parallels to Jesus's teachings in Matthew 10:28-31. 

Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore, you are of more value than many sparrows.”

The church, he contemplated, must embrace this responsibility with even greater zeal, searching for those lost in sin, who risk losing not just their earthly lives but their eternal souls.

This encounter at sea, while marked by tragedy, serves as a powerful reminder of our mission. We are called to emulate our risen Saviour, who sacrificed His life for all, including those lost at sea. As we navigate our own journeys, let us remember the importance of seeking out and helping those in spiritual need, guided by the unwavering love and commitment exemplified by Christ.