

Communication & Media Department Introduces Volunteer Reporter Role to Amplify Church Activities and Community Outreach

Communication & Media Department Introduces Volunteer Reporter Role to Amplify Church Activities and Community Outreach

In a move to foster greater community engagement and highlight the wonderful activities taking place in local churches, the North England Conference (NEC) Media and Communications Department is delighted to announce the launch of a new Volunteer Reporter role.

Inspired by the quote, "A thankful heart enjoys blessings twice—when they're received and when they're shared," the department aims to showcase the incredible works of faith within our local churches. This new initiative aligns with the NEC's vision for Total Member Involvement and the growth of a robust digital media presence.

We are seeking up to five individuals who are passionate about capturing the various initiatives and events across the Conference and sharing these stories through our digital communication channels.

How to Apply

  • To learn more about this remarkable opportunity, visit the Communication & Media webpage.
  • Interested applicants can apply by emailing their details to