

Witnessing in South Shields

Peter Jeynes

Small churches have the same commission as big churches, they are there to spread Good News. The difference is that sometimes the small churches need the help of a larger church.

Sabbath 11 May was a little cool but a small team of members from Newcastle headed over to South Shields to worship and witness. Elder Francisco Curiaquita, from Angola, leads a multi-national witnessing team who specialise in giving away copies of The Great Controversy. Delmane from Zimbabwe, Frank from England, Tony from the West Indies and Iulian from Romania travelled along with Elder Darlington with several children.

The Sabbath's divine service focussed minds, lunch provided sustenance while a little training that followed encouraged and guided first-time witnesses from Malaysia, Belgium, Bolivia and England who would soon enter the town centre to hand out free copies of a book we 8are encouraged to use in witness. The fact that the team were able to hand out over 80 copies in an hour suggests that the literature is easy to use and well received.

Ed Chan, a local member commented, "There's great demand and a great need for knowledge out there … it's life and death issues we are dealing with."

The Stanborough Press had responded to our call for the literature by providing a great deal on a very large order of books that will be given out on Tyne and Wearside over the year. While this is a witnessing venture the prayer is that people will take an initial interest and turn the information into a life-changing response to Good News.

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